Thursday, November 16, 2017

Payment Types in Oracle Apps

When we are making payment to supplier we need to have Bank Account, Check book. 

We have 3 Types of Payments:
  1. Manual
  2. Quick
  3. Refund
  • Manual:- We have to write the check manually and then enter the same details into system and hand over the same check to Supplier.
  • Quick:- System will print payment details on the check. In OF once you save the payment, automatically check will be printed on pre printed stationary. Then check can be hand over to Supplier.
  • Refund:- When we received funds return from the suppliers we record them as refund.

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SupplierAddressImportTemplate.xlsm South Africa Suburb Field mapping in POZ_SUPPLIER_ADDRESSES_INT

Suburb mpping in Supplier Address Import Template will be mapped to Address Element Attribute2 (HZ_LOCATIONS. ADDR_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE2)