Thursday, November 16, 2017

Inventory Tables in Oracle Apps

MTL_SYSTEM_ITEM_B - Inventory item definitions
There is a trigger ‘Mtl_System_Items_T1’ on this table which updates Cst_Item_Costs table in case of any update to ‘Costing_Enabled_Flag’

MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_TL - Translations table table holding item descriptions in multiple languages

MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE - Inventory Items Open Interface table
MTL_PARAMETERS - Inventory control options and defaults
MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIES - Subinventory definitions
MTL_CATEGORIES_B - Code combinations table for item categories
MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES - Define item assignments to categories
MTL_CATEGORY_SET_VALID_CATS - Valid categories for category sets
MTL_ITEM_CATALOG_GROUPS_B - Item catalog groups; it's the code combinations table for item catalog groups.

MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS - Material transaction table
MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP - Temporary table for processing material transactions

MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE - Gateway for externally generated material transactions
MTL_TRANSACTION_REASONS Inventory Transaction Reasons Table
MTL_TRANSACTION_TYPES Inventory Transaction Types Table
MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_INTERFACE Temporary lot storage for transaction processor
MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_TEMP Temporary lot numbers holding table
MTL_TRANSACTION_LOT_NUMBERS Transaction lot numbers MTL_CROSS_REFERENCES Assign cross references to items MTL_ABC_ASSGN_GROUP_CLASSES Assigns abc classes to abc groups
MTL_ABC_ASSIGNMENTS Assigns items to abc classes in an abc group
MTL_ABC_CLASSES Inventory ABC classes
MTL_ABC_COMPILES ABC descending value compile data
MTL_ABC_COMPILES_EFC Euro as a Functional Currency Archive
MTL_ABC_COMPILE_HEADERS ABC compile header data
MTL_ABC_COMPILE_HEADERS_EFC Euro as a Functional Currency Archive
MTL_ACTUAL_COST_SUBELEMENT Stores the material overhead subelements
MTL_ACTUAL_COST_SUBELEMENT_EFC Euro as a Functional Currency Archive
MTL_ATP_RULES ATP computation rules
MTL_ATTR_APPL_DEPENDENCIES Dependencies between item attributes and Oracle products
MTL_BIS_INV_BY_PERIOD BIS table that stores inventory turns data by organization,
accounting period and Inventory item id for open periods and closed periods
MTL_CATALOG_SEARCH_ITEMS Items returned by item searches
MTL_CATEGORIES_TL Categories table holding translated Description column for Item Categories
MTL_CATEGORY_ACCOUNTS Asset and expense accounts by item category, by subinventory 

MTL_CATEGORY_SETS_TL table holding translated Name and Description columns for Category Sets

MTL_CC_ENTRIES_INTERFACE Cycle Count Entries Interface data
MTL_CC_INTERFACE_ERRORS Cycle Count Entries Interface process errors
MTL_CC_SCHEDULE_REQUESTS Defines cycle count schedule requests
MTL_CC_SCHED_COUNT_XREFS Cross references count entry requests
MTL_CC_SERIAL_NUMBERS Serial Numbers for Cycle Count Entries.
MTL_CC_SUBINVENTORIES Defines subinventories to be used in subinventory level cycle count
MTL_CI_INTERFACE Customer Items Interface
MTL_CI_XREFS_INTERFACE Customer Items Cross References Interface
MTL_COMMODITY_CODES Customer item commodity codes
MTL_COPY_ORG_INTERFACE Generate Inventory Organizations
MTL_COUNTRY_ASSIGNMENTS stores information concerning the assignment of countries to economic zones.
MTL_CROSS_REFERENCE_TYPES Define cross reference types
MTL_CST_ACTUAL_COST_DETAILS Actual cost information by element, by level
MTL_CST_ACTUAL_COST_DETAIL_EFC Euro as a Functional Currency Archive
MTL_CST_LAYER_ACT_COST_DETAILS Actual cost information by element, by level
MTL_CST_TXN_COST_DETAILS The cost of a transaction by element, by level
MTL_CST_TXN_COST_DETAILS_EFC Euro as a Functional Currency Archive
MTL_CUSTOMER_ITEMS Customer item Information
MTL_CUSTOMER_ITEM_XREFS Relationships between customer items and inventory items
MTL_CYCLE_COUNT_CLASSES Defines cycle count classes
MTL_CYCLE_COUNT_CLASSES_EFC Euro as a Functional Currency Archive
MTL_CYCLE_COUNT_ENTRIES Defines cycle count entries
MTL_CYCLE_COUNT_ENTRIES_EFC Euro as a Functional Currency Archive
MTL_CYCLE_COUNT_HEADERS Defines cycle count header information
MTL_CYCLE_COUNT_HEADERS_EFC Euro as a Functional Currency Archive
MTL_CYCLE_COUNT_ITEMS Defines items to be used in cycle count
MTL_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_SETS Default category set for a particular functional area
MTL_DEMAND Sales order demand and reservations
MTL_DEMAND_HISTORIES Sales order demand and reservations
MTL_DEMAND_INTERFACE Temporary demand storage for the transaction processor
MTL_DESCRIPTIVE_ELEMENTS Descriptive element definitions for an item catalog group
MTL_DESCR_ELEMENT_VALUES Stores the descriptive element values for a particular item
MTL_FORECAST_RULES Forecast rules for forecast processes
MTL_INTERCOMPANY_PARAMETERS Inter–company relationships
MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS Item open interface errors
MTL_INTERFACE_PROC_CONTROLS I nterface Processes Control Parameters
MTL_INTERORG_PARAMETERS Inter–organization relationships
MTL_INTERORG_SHIP_METHODS Relationships between shipping networks and shipment methods
MTL_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES I tem attributes table
MTL_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES_TEMP Temporary Table specifically for item attributes copy form
MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES_INTERFACE Item Category Open Interface table; used to load item assignments to category sets and categories into Oracle Inventory.
MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS Definitions for stock locators
MTL_ITEM_LOC_DEFAULTS Inventory item receiving and shipping locator default values
MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_INTERFACE Item revisions interface
MTL_ITEM_STATUS Material status definitions
MTL_ITEM_SUB_DEFAULTS Inventory item receiving and shipping subinventory default values
MTL_ITEM_SUB_INVENTORIES Item–subinventory assignments
MTL_ITEM_TEMPLATES Item template definitions
MTL_ITEM_TEMPL_ATTRIBUTES Item attributes and attribute values for a template
MTL_ITEM_VALUES_TEMP Holds Item Attributes and their values. Used in the Item Attributes Copyform.
MTL_KANBAN_CARD_PRINT_TEMP Temporary table used to print kanban cards
MTL_LOT_NUMBERS Lot number definitions
MTL_MANUFACTURERS Define manufacturers
MTL_MATERIAL_STATUSES Inventory status definition – Used by WMS only
MTL_MATERIAL_STATUSES_B Base table for inventory status definitions – Used by WMS
MTL_MATERIAL_TXN_ALLOCATIONS Unit allocations among repetitive schedules
MTL_MFG_PART_NUMBERS Define manufacturer part numbers
MTL_MGD_INVENTORY_POSITIONS Stores the data sets built for on line display or for export
MTL_MOVEMENT_PARAMETERS Movement parameter values
MTL_MOVEMENT_STATISTICS Stores all relevant information for movement statistics transactions.
MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES FIFO quantities by control level and receipt
MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITY_TEMP Temporary table for on–hand quantity queries
MTL_ORG_REPORT_TEMP Multi–organization inventory report temporary table
MTL_PAC_TXN_COST_DETAILS Transaction details for a period
MTL_PENDING_ITEM_STATUS History of item–status assignments
MTL_PHYSICAL_ADJUSTMENTS Physical inventory adjustments
MTL_PHYSICAL_INVENTORIES Physical inventory definitions
MTL_PHYSICAL_INVENTORY_TAGS Physical inventory tag definitions
MTL_PHYSICAL_SUBINVENTORIES Physical inventory specific subinventories
MTL_PICKING_RULES Picking Rule Definitions
MTL_PLANNERS Planner code definitions
MTL_PURGE_HEADER Transaction history purges
MTL_RELATED_ITEMS Item relationships
MTL_REPLENISH_HEADERS Replenishment header information
MTL_REPLENISH_HEADERS_INT Replenishment header interface information
MTL_REPLENISH_LINES Replenishment line information
MTL_REPLENISH_LINES_INT Replenishment line interface information
MTL_RTG_ITEM_REVISIONS Routing revisions
MTL_RTG_ITEM_REVS_INTERFACE Routing revisions interface table
MTL_SALES_ORDERS Local definitions of sales orders
MTL_SECONDARY_LOCATORS Item–subinventory–locator assignments
MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS Serial number definitions
MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_INTERFACE Temporary serial number storage for transactions processor
MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP Temporary serial number holding table
MTL_SHORT_CHK_PARAM Shortage Parameters
MTL_STATUS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES Item status code attribute values
MTL_SUMMARY_TEMP Transaction summaries
MTL_SUPPLY Stores incoming supply information
MTL_SUPPLY_DEMAND_TEMP Temporary table containing ATP details returned from ATP user–exit
MTL_TXN_COST_DET_INTERFACE Stores transaction cost by element and by level for
transactions to be imported through the transaction interface
MTL_TXN_REQUEST_HEADERS Move Order headers table
MTL_TXN_REQUEST_LINES Move order lines table
MTL_TXN_SOURCE_TYPES Valid transaction source types
MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE_TL Unit of measure definitions
MTL_UNIT_TRANSACTIONS Serial number transactions
MTL_UOM_CLASSES_TL Unit of measure classes
MTL_UOM_CLASS_CONVERSIONS Conversions between base units of two different classes
MTL_UOM_CONVERSIONS Unit of measure conversion table for both default and item specific conversions


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Query to get the Concurrent Program along with Value Set details

SELECT fcpl1.user_concurrent_program_name       ,fdfcuv.end_user_column_name       ,ffvs.flex_value_set_name value_set_name       ,ffvt.appl...