Thursday, November 16, 2017

Types of invoices in Account Payables in Oracle Apps

Tyoes of Invoices in AP:-
1.      Standard invoice
2.      Debit Memo
3.      Credit Memo
4.      Mixed invoice
5.      Recurring invoice
6.      Pre-payment invoice
7.      Expenses report invoice
8.      Interest invoice
9.      Withholding tax invoice
10.  Retain age Release
11.  Transportation

  • Standard invoice: We can enter only Positive amounts through standard invoice.
  • Debit Memo:-   
  • Debit Memo is used by Customers only.  
  • This is used for purchase returns.
  • To reduce the balance payable to supplier we create Debit Memo.
  • Only negative amounts can be entered through Debit Memo.
  • Credit Memo:-   
    • To reduce the supplier balance Credit Memo will be used. 
    • Credit Memo will rise by Supplier and sent to us.  
    •  Generally credit memos used, when we get discount on payable or on any price differences.
    • We can enter only negative balances through Credit Memos.
  • Mixed Invoice: We can enter Positive and Negative balances also through Mixed Invoices.
  • Recurring Invoice:- We require a calendar to create recurring invoice, called “Special Calendar”. 
  •  Pre Payment Invoice:- Pre Payment Invoice are used when there is advance payment made to Suppliers against purchases or Employees for Travel expenses.
  • Pre payments are two types: Temporary & Permanent
  • Temporary pre payments are adjusted against the future purchase invoice.
  • Whereas we cannot adjust Permanent pre payments against future purchases.
  • We can convert Permanent pre payment into Temporary pre payment. After conversion we can use that to adjust against future invoices.
  • Expenses Invoice: When employees spent the amount and submit the bills for reimbursement, that information we have to maintain as expenditure report in the system.With the help of this expenses report information we can create “Expenses Invoice”.
  •  Interest Invoice:-When we make payments after the due date crossed, if interest penalty is applicable, system will create one invoice for only the interest portion amount apart from the standard invoice.
  •  Withholding Tax Invoice:-If customer want to with hold the tax amount charged by supplier in the invoice, and he want to pay the tax amount directly to tax authorities instead of paying to supplier.System will automatically create a Withholding Tax Invoice.In this case tax authority would be a supplier.

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