Sunday, July 22, 2018

AR_CASH_RECEIPTS table overview


AR_CASH_RECEIPTS stores a unique record for each receipt, based on the primary key, cash_receipt_id. The status column describes the state of the receipt in relation to customer invoices and balances. Valid status values are:
    • UNID - The receipt customer is unidentified and no customer balance has been updated.
    • UNAPP - The receipt customer has been identified, but the receipt has not been entirely applied to a specific invoice or been placed on account.
    • APP - The entire amount of the receipt has been placed on account or applied to specific customer invoices.
    • REV - The receipt has been reversed.
    • NSF - The receipt has been reversed due to insufficient funds.
    • STOP - The receipt has been reversed by a stop payment.
The type column identifies the receipt as either CASH or MISC to indicate whether the receipt is a customer payment or a miscellaneous receipt (not related to a receivable activity). The amount column stores the net amount of the receipt, while the receipt_number column stores the receipt_number.

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