Sunday, July 22, 2018



AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY stores the current status and history of a receipt. Each status change is stored as a unique transaction, based on the primary key, cash_receipt_history_id. The status column describes which step of the receipt's life cycle the receipt has reached. Valid status values are:
    • APPROVED - This is only valid for automatic receipts and signifies the receipt has been approved for automatic creation. These record types are never postable.
    • CONFIRMED - This is only valid for automatic receipts and signifies the receipt has been confirmed by the customer.
    • REMITTED - This is valid for both manual and automatic receipts and signifies the receipt has been remitted.
    • CLEARED - This is valid for both manual and automatic receipts and signifies the receipt has been cleared.
    • REVERSED - This is valid for both manual and automatic receipts and signifies the receipt has been reversed.
As the receipt moves through its life cycle, Receivables inserts a new record into AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_HISTORY with the current_record_flag column set to 'Y'. Receivables also updates the previous record related to this receipt, by setting the current_record_flag to NULL and by setting the reversal_gl_date. The amount column stores the amount of the receipt. The cash_receipts_id column links

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