Saturday, November 18, 2017

SCM(Order Management) Interview Questions in Oracle Apps

  • How can we create a normal order line and a return line in a single order?
  • How to change price in sales order line after booking without using any modifier. Is it possible, if Yes how?
  • What is Item validation org and how it is different from Item Master Org?
  • Is it possible to do any transaction (receiving) transaction in Item master org?
  • What steps you will do to check if picking did not happen for an order after pick release?
  • What is system parameter and what is its significance?
  • What all setups required for an ATO order?
  • What all setups required for Back to Back order?
  • In an IR, the price of the item, from where it populates?
  • How can you change the price of the item in an IR?
  • How invoice get generated for IR?
  • What is the accounting entry happens for an IR invoice?
  • What is allocation means in sales order and in which step it happens?
  • What is the difference between allocation and reservation?
  • If an item is not allowed to enter in any sales order form, what is the setup behind this?
  • What is the difference between customer ordered and customer order enabled flag?
  • What are the drop shipment setups and explain the flow?
  • What are the tables involved in Drop Shipment?
  • What is the difference between Pick Slip and Pack Slip?
  • What is Bill Of Lading?
  • If I want to have single invoice generated for all the lines of a sales order even if the lines were shipped in different delivery, what can I do?
  • What to do if I want to create a same delivery for all the lines of an order even if they were picked in different pick slip and delivery already created for few lines?
  • Why we need to create different transaction types?
  • What are the reasons for Back Order?
  • What are the setups required for IR process?
  • What is Drop Shipment and the setups?
  • What is Back To Back order and the setups?
  • What is ATP and how it is used?
  • What are the Processing Constraints?
  • When the header closes in a Sales Order?
  • How to enable the Auto pick confirm?
  • What is the difference between the COGS and deferred COGS?
  • What are the HOLD sources?
  • What is sourcing rule?
  • What is release sequence rule?
  • How to apply hold as soon as save the order?
  • Is it possible to change the price of a line once after all modifier application the field is grayed out?
  • If there are 2 modifiers with same precedence which satisfies a qualifier then which modifier will be applied and if different precedence then which modifier will be applied? 
  • Can an expense item received in RMA?
  • What are the basic item attributes to use it in RMA and receiving?

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Query to get the Concurrent Program along with Value Set details

SELECT fcpl1.user_concurrent_program_name       ,fdfcuv.end_user_column_name       ,ffvs.flex_value_set_name value_set_name       ,ffvt.appl...