Saturday, November 18, 2017

SCM(Inventory) Interview Question In Oracle Apps

  • What are different planning methods in Inventory?
  • What are the setups for different planning method (Min-Max)?
  • What is the concurrent program for the planning?
  • What are the setups for expense item?
  • How many key flexfields are there in Inventory?
  • What is the use of sales order KFF?
  • How we can have the item key flex field with 2 segments, is it possible, if yes then how, if no then why?
  • How will you inactivate the Inventory locations?
  • What all setups you have done in Inventory Organization implementation?
  • What are the valuation accounts used in Inventory
  • What is ABC Analysis and why it is being used?
  • What are the process of cycle count?
  • What is the different in MO Issue and MO Transfer?
  • What is the Picking rule in Inventory?
  • What are the criteria in Cycle count?
  • What are the diff in Lot and Serial?
  • What are the material status in a Sub-Inventory?
  • What is Physical Inventory?
  • What is move order in OM?
  • How a MO is diff from Sub-inventory Transfer?
  • What is nettable in Sub-inventory setup?
  • What are the status attributes in Item and how many of them?
  • What is the use of status attribute?
  • Why master org is required?
  • Inventory Master org is mandatory?
  • What are the Lot control setups?
  • How Lot number generates?
  • What is serial controlled and what are the setups?
  • How Serial Numbers are generated?
  • What is the predefined locator in Sub-inventory and how it works in business?
  • What are the transaction managers?
  • Can we change the item name after it created?
  • How WMS is helpful compared to Inventory?
  • What functionality in inventory uses the calendar?
  • What is the diff in Inventory and WMS from accounting perspective?
  • What is the use of WMS Rules Workbench?
  • How many types of bar codes are there?
  • What is an item?
  • Explain Item Master Organization?
  • Define Inventory Organization?
  • What is a sub-inventory?
  • In which table does the sub-inventory related information for an item is stored?
  • What is a stock locator?
  • What are the Key flex fields in oracle Inventory? 
  • What are the basic steps involved in defining an item?
  • What are item attributes?
  • What is the use of item template?
  • What is an item category and category set?
  • Explain unit of measure (UOM) and UOM class?
  • Explain shipping method?
  • Describe Inter-organization Shipping Networks
  • In which tables are the transnational details are stored?
  • What is revision control in Oracle Inventory?
  • What is Picking Order of Sub-inventory or Locator? Where will you define the order?
  • What are the different inventory transactions?
  • Describe various inventory transaction types?
  • What is the difference between a sub-inventory transfer and a move order?
  • What are the Components used in Customizing a Transaction?
  • What is a Transaction source type?
  • What is a transaction type?
  • Name any four purposes where miscellaneous transaction can be used?
  • Explain inventory control?
  • What are the objectives of inventory control?
  • What are the factors that affect inventory control?
  • Define ABC analysis?
  • What is consignment inventory?
  • What are the different planning methods available in Oracle?
  • When should the material be ordered?
  • Explain re-order point planning?
  • Explain min-max planning technique?
  • Define cycle counting and explain its use in oracle inventory?
  • When do you perform physical inventory and explain the steps involved in it?

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Query to get the Concurrent Program along with Value Set details

SELECT fcpl1.user_concurrent_program_name       ,fdfcuv.end_user_column_name       ,ffvs.flex_value_set_name value_set_name       ,ffvt.appl...