Friday, February 22, 2019

Why does the Status of AR_TRANSMISSIONS_ALL not change when deleting batch and receipts


  • Receipts are being deleted before Lockbox validation has been run. Status of AR_TRANSMISSIONS_ALL does not change when deleting batch and receipts.
  • Unused transmission names are included in Transmission Name field List of Values. Transmissions have no content.
  • Receipts are not shown in the Maintain Lockbox Transmission Data Window. No receipts in AR_PAYMENTS_INTERFACE_ALL table.
  • Before the validate Lockbox receipts step has been run, the transmission will have status NB, that is new, in the AR_TRANSMISSIONS_ALL table.

  • This is intended behavior(Doc ID 1075485.1):-
  1. If these receipts are deleted before validation, the status will not be updated in the AR_TRANSMISSIONS_ALL table, and the transmission will remain open.
  2. Post Quick Cash can be submitted even when no more batch and receipt exists for the transmission. It will just update ar_transmissions_all set status='CL'
  3. The status is updated to 'CL' by submitting Post Quick Cash from the Lockbox screen. Creating and closing a transmission can be done only in the Lockbox form.

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