Friday, November 23, 2018

Oracle Payroll Tables in Oracle Apps

This is a date track enabled table. This table stores the details about all the elements in the system. The Primary key is ELEMENT_TYPE_ID and the two date fields. This is usually used to get the name of the element, as ELEMENT_TYPE_ID is used in a lot of places to refer to the element.

This is also a date track enabled table. This table stores the details on the links. The primary key is: ELEMENT_LINK_ID and the two date tracked columns, stores the ELEMENT_TYPE_ID as the foreign key.

This is also Date track enabled table. This table stores the Input values for each element.  The primary key is INPUT_VALUE_ID and the two date tracked columns. This table also holds the ELEMENT_TYPE_ID as a foreign key to PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F. This can be used to pull in the Element input value name.

PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F:- This is also Date tracked table. This one stores the details about the element entries. The table stores the Entries with the ASSIGNMENT_ID and the ELEMENT_LINK_ID as foreign key. The Primary key is ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID. This table also links itself to PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F with storing ELEMENT_TYPE_ID as a foreign key.

PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F:- This is also Date tracked table. It stores the values for each entry. This table has only 6 columns. Out of which,  the Primary key is: ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUE_ID and the two date tracked columns, it stores the ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID as the foreign key to PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F and the SCREEN_ENTRY_VALUE stores the actual value of the Input Value. The INPUT_VALUE_ID column links the table to the Input values table (PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F).

PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS:- This table logs all the actions taken by the Payroll Engine. Primary key is PAYROLL_ACTION_ID, and it logs in each and every activity. The Table is capable enough to store a lot of information as it has got columns to store all kind of data used in Payroll. It does not populate all the columns / row. However it logs in only the ones those are needed.

PAY_RUN_RESULTS:- This table stores the status related to the elements against the assignment actions. The primary key is RUN_RESULT_ID. ELEMENT_TYPE_ID and ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID are the two-other important foreign keys.

PAY_RUN_RESULT_VALUES:- This table takes the RUN_RESULT_ID and the INPUT_VALUE_ID and stores the Value obtained by the Payroll Engine.

Few More tables:-

 Table Name
 Date Tracked?
 Primary Key
Stores details on the Accrual Plans. ACCRUAL_PLAN_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID can be used for Element value links.
Total Compensation -> Basic -> Accrual Plans 
Stores the Payroll related data.
Payroll-> Description
Stores the Payroll actions against Assignments with action status and sequence. Links with PAYROLL_ACTION_ID. 

Logs the Balances with DEFINED_BALANCE_ID with each and every assignment action, related to ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID.
Logs the assignment and element links with date tracking capabilities. ELEMENT_LINK_ID and ASSIGNMENT_ID are the two foreign keys.
Stores the Balance attributes. 
Total Compensation -> Basic -> Balance-> Attributes(B)
Stores the Balance Categories that can be used while defining Balances. 
Stores the Balance Dimensions.
Stores the Balance Feeds. 
Stores the Balances. 
Logs the Batch lines at the Batch element entries. Linking the BATCH_ID, ASSIGNMENT_ID and ELEMENT_TYPE_ID. Logs the BATCH_LINE_STATUS.
Logs the Cost and the balances as Debits or Credits with respect to each RUN_RESULT_ID and ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID.
Logs the Cost against a COST_ALLOCATION_KEYFLEX_ID, with reference to assignment Ids. This is where costing is logged.
The Cost allocation KFF table.
Clubs the Balance with its Dimensions, using BALANCE_TYPE_ID and BALANCE_DIMENSION_ID.
Stores the Classifications.
Total Compensation -> Basic -> Classification
Stores details on Element Sets.
Payroll-> Element Set

Logs the details of Run results with RUN_RESULT_ID and ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID.
Clubs Input Values with the Element links.

Logs Payroll Messages
Stores the Payment Methods.
Payroll-> Payment Methods
 The People Group KFF table.
 Logs the Prepayment information against ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID with the Monetary Values.

Logs quickpay actions against ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID and ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID
Stores Retro Definitions.
Stores the Balance Updates against ASSIGNMENT_ID and DEFINED_BALANCE_ID.
Stores the different Payroll Run Types.

Item Master Item Types in Oracle Inventory

Item Master Item Types are Lookup Type which is held in the table fnd_common_lookups. Use the below SQL Query to see the entries: 

SELECT lookup_type, lookup_code, meaning
FROM fnd_common_lookups 
WHERE lookup_type = 'ITEM_TYPE' 

order by lookup_type, lookup_code; 

Join Condition:- 
mtl_system_items_b.item_type = fnd_common_lookups.lookup_code

Monday, November 12, 2018

Multi-Org Access Control(MOAC) in Oracle APPS R12-- mo_global

Multi Org Access Control(MOAC):- – Multi Org Access Control(MOAC) enables us to access multiple operating units without changing responsibilities. From a single responsibility user can access multiple operating units. This is now a feature in Release 12 of the Oracle eBusiness Suite, and it changes in some fundamental ways, how the data is accessed.

How does this affect Developers and SQL queries?

Let us understand how things were under the original multi-org structure first introduced in Release 10. Forms generally accessed data through a view that would check an organization parameter.

Example: po_headers_v. This would offer a reasonably well-tuned view that looked up many of the values in related tables, without having to join a lot of lookup tables. The problem for developers was that a query on this view in a SQL session would show no rows(0 rows).

To see the data for a given organization, we had to set an Organization Context for our current session:


This PLSQL block would make these views show all data for organization_id = 204(operating Unit).

If you wanted multi-org access (and many of us do), you would have the option of querying the _ALL table(Multi Org tables), which would offer unrestricted access to all of the data for all organizations, without resolving the lookup values in related tables, so you would end up joining a lot of the other tables, but would end up with a quite specific, hopefully well-tuned query that showed data for all of the operating units.

In Oracle EBS R12, the security is often set at the table level using policies. This can be baffling at first, as you can see you are querying a table, you know there is data there, but you cannot see it. To see what package is controlling the access to a table, you can query the all_policies data dictionary view:

select * from all_policies where object_name = 'PO_HEADERS'

In R12 provides a new package that offers access to a single or all organizations in one call. This package, mo_global is called below for a single organization:


The 1st parameter, ‘S’, means Single Organization(Single Operating Unit), the 2nd parameter is organization_id. Queries on this table will yield a view of all rows for organization_id=204. If you want access to all organization data, you can change the first parameter to ‘M’ (for multiple Operating Units), and no second parameter:


Query to get the Concurrent Program along with Value Set details

SELECT fcpl1.user_concurrent_program_name       ,fdfcuv.end_user_column_name       ,ffvs.flex_value_set_name value_set_name       ,ffvt.appl...