Sunday, September 2, 2018

Payables Reports Listing(Invoice Reports) in Oracle APPS

Accrual Reconciliation Report:- The Accrual Reconciliation Report can be used to analyze the balance of the Accounts Payable (A/P) accrual accounts. You can accrue both expense and inventory purchases as you receive them. When this happens, you temporarily record an accounts payable liability to your Expense or Inventory A/P accrual accounts. When Payables creates the accounting for the matched and approved invoice, Payables clears the A/P accrual accounts and records the liability from the supplier site.

Actual Invoice Sweep Report:- See: Unaccounted Transactions Sweep Program.

Batch Control Report by Batch Name:- See: Batch Control
Use the Batch Control reports to review invoice batches. You can run either report to review invoice entry and identify and resolve batch variances.

Batch Control Report by Entered By:  The report you choose determines the order in which the invoice batches are listed:
• Batch Control Report by Batch Name. Lists invoice batches in order of batch name and batch date. Also sorts by entry name.

• Batch Control Report by Batch Entered By. Lists invoice batches in order of entry person. Also sorts by batch name.

Credit Card Outstanding Transactions Report:- After importing and validating credit card transaction files, use the Credit Card Outstanding Transactions programs and reports to identify and manage transactions that were not imported and require further action. A transaction appears in any of the Credit Card Outstanding Transactions reports until the expense report to which it belongs is imported into Payables.

Credit Memo Matching Report:-  This report lists credit memos and debit memos that match the supplier and date parameters you specify. The report lists the following for each credit memo’s distribution lines: the distribution line amount in functional currency, the distribution line GL Date, the invoice to which it is matched, and any exchange rate information. 

Exceptions Report (Expense Report Import Report):-  Use this report to review the exceptions that occurred during the Expense Report Import process. Payables lists employee and expense report information for each expense report for which Payables did not create an invoice.

Expense Report Import Report:-  Use this report to review detailed information for each Expense Report type invoice that Payables imports during Expense Report Import. You can also review the total number and amount of invoices that Payables successfully imported. This process creates invoices from Payables, Oracle Internet Expenses, and Oracle Projects expense reports.

Invoice Aging Report:-  Use this report to view your unpaid invoices. This report provides information about invoice payments due within four time periods you specify in the Aging Periods window. 

Invoice Approval Status Report:- Use the Invoice Approval Status Report to monitor invoices that are in the Invoice Approval Workflow process as of the date and time the report is run. The report also shows invoices that have completed the process because they were approved or rejected. 

Invoice Audit Listing by Voucher Number:-  Use this report to review your invoices with assigned sequential voucher numbers. Either you or Payables can assign a unique, sequential number to an invoice during invoice entry, if you enable the Sequential Numbering profile option. 

Invoice Audit Listing:-  Use the Invoice Audit Listing to audit invoices for duplicates. You should audit invoices periodically to ensure control of invoice payments. You can sort this listing in six different ways. For example, you may want to only audit invoices over $1000. You can specify a minimum invoice amount, and sort invoices by amount, then supplier name and date. 

Invoice Audit Report:- Use the Invoice Audit Report to audit invoices for duplicates.
• Number of matching characters in the invoice number. For example, if you enter 5 then the first 5 characters of each invoice number must match.
• (optional) same supplier name
• (optional) same supplier type
• (optional) same invoice date

Invoice History Report:-  The Invoice History Report provides information to support the balance due on an invoice. It helps you quickly identify and review a detailed list of all payment activities pertaining to a specific invoice such as gains, losses, and discounts.

Invoice on Hold Report:-  Use the Invoice on Hold Report to identify invoices on hold. The report provides you the total number and amount (in your functional currency) of invoices on hold, which can be helpful for your accounts payable metrics. Run the Invoice Validation process before submitting this report to obtain the most up–to–date hold information. To obtain additional detail and help research invoices on matching hold, you can use the Matching Detail Report or the Matching Hold Detail Report. 

Invoice Register:-  Use the Invoice Register to review detailed information about invoices. Payables orders the report by invoice currency and, if you use batch control, by the invoice batch name. Within the currency and batch name, the report orders by the supplier name and invoice number. 
Invoice Validation Report:-  Use the Invoice Validation Report to review the total number of matching and variance holds that Payables applies and releases after you submit Invoice Validation. If you use budgetary control, Payables also lists any funds control holds.

 Matched and Modified Receipts Report:-  After you automatically create invoice distributions by matching an invoice for goods to a receipt, that receipt can be modified in Oracle Purchasing. For example, you might need to adjust a receipt because the quantity received was incorrectly recorded, or the product was defective and returned to the supplier. Use this report to identify receipts that have been changed after invoice matching, and for which no users have seen modifications.   
Matching Detail Report:- Use this report to see the detail of how an invoice, purchase order, or
receipt was matched. This report is especially helpful when an invoice is on hold and you are trying determine why the hold was placed. Data entry errors can occur during matching, and the information in this report can help in researching these problems. When you submit the report, you specify an invoice, a purchase order, or a receipt and the report shows all distributions matched to that transaction.

Matching Hold Detail Report:- Use the Matching Hold Detail Report to review detailed accounts
payable and purchasing information for invoices with matching holds and matching hold releases. You can print this report before initiating a payment batch to determine whether to manually release any invoices for payment. You can print this report for all invoices with matching holds and releases during a time period you specify, or you can print this report to review only invoices with matching holds applied or released since the last time you submitted Invoice Validation.

Open Items Revaluation Report:-  Use the Open Items Revaluation report to revalue the balances of your open items. Open items in this report are all invoices (including prepayments, credit memos, and debit memos) that are unpaid as of the last date of the revaluation period you specify.
You can use the following parameters to further select which open items you want to include on the report:
• Transferred to GL Only.

Prepayments Status Report:- Use the Prepayments Status Report to review the unapplied
prepayments and unpaid or partially paid invoices for a supplier. You can compare the invoices and prepayments for a supplier to determine if there are outstanding prepayments which you can apply against unpaid invoices.
Recurring Invoices Report:- Use this report to review recurring invoice templates you defined
during a specific time period. You can review this report to determine the amount you have authorized for a recurring invoice template, how much you have released, and the next amount you have scheduled. The report also lists the number of periods remaining for a recurring invoice and the next period you have scheduled. The report lists recurring invoice templates by supplier and site.
Unrealized Gain/Loss Report:- Use this report to review unrealized gains and losses on foreign
currency invoices. An unrealized gain or loss occurs on an unpaid foreign currency invoice when the exchange rate changes. You usually calculate unrealized gains and losses at the end of an accounting period. You may also want to submit this report whenever there is a large movement in the value of a foreign currency as compared with your functional currency. Payables orders this report by currency and supplier. The report provides you with a total for each currency and a total for all the currencies. Payables prints suppliers names alphabetically within each currency.

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