Monday, August 20, 2018

How are Reference Columns Stored in GL_JE_LINES and GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES Tables(165327.1)

In R11i:
Journal Import populates the columns REFERENCE_1 to REFERENCE_10 in the GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES table, with the values from columns REFERENCE21 to REFERENCE30 populated in the GL_INTERFACE table (subledger details).
When import is NOT done in Summary (i.e. it is done in detail mode), then it will also map to GL_JE_LINES columns REFERENCE_1 - REFERENCE_10. 

In R12:
The information stored is substantially different from the information in previous releases due to the Subledger Accounting new architecture. 
In R12 the accounting subledger details are found in XLA tables, and GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES is used to map into it. 
Data can be transferred from SLA to GL in either Summary or Detail mode. This option is defined for the Event Class, which is attached to the Journal Line Type. Journal Line Type is then attached to the Journal Line Definition, which is finally attached to the Subledger Accounting Method. Please note that if the transfer is done in Summary mode, then the Reference columns will not be populated in either GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES or GL_JE_LINES. 

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