Friday, November 10, 2017

FORM_FAILURE in Oracle Forms

Returns a value that indicates the outcome of the action most recently
performed during the current Run form session.

Use FORM_FAILURE to test the outcome of a built–in to determine
further processing within any trigger. To get the correct results, you
must perform the test immediately after the action executes. That is,
another action should not occur prior to the test.

** Built–in: FORM_FAILURE
** Example: Determine if the most recently executed built–in
** failed.

** If some validation failed and prevented us from leaving
** the current block, then stop executing this trigger.
** Generally it is recommended to test
** IF NOT Form_Success THEN ...
** Rather than explicitly testing for FORM_FAILURE

IF Form_Failure THEN
RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;

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