Sunday, October 22, 2017

Oracle Apps Technical Interview Questions

1. What are the PL/SQL mandatory parameters?
2. What are the Mandatory Input and Output parameters in API?
3. What are the report triggers?
4. What is the firing sequence of Report triggers?
5. What are User Exists?
6. What are Profile Options?
7. What are different levels of Profile Options?
8. One profile option is set at User Level and Site Level which will take high priority?
9. Name few standard Profiles?
10. Explain P2P Cycle?
11. Explain O2C Cycle?
12. What are major differences in 11i and R12?
13. What is MOAC?
14. What is TCA architecture?
15. What are the common report errors?
16. Can you explain conversion process(If you have experience in conversions)?
17. What are the different ways one can upload flat file data into oracle tables?
18. What are external tables?
19. What are Global Temp tables?
20. What is bulk binding?
21. What are collections?
22. What are invoice tables(AP)?
23. What are payment tables(AP)?
24. What are Supplier Interface tables?
25. What is Auto lock box?
26. What is APPS Schema?
27. Difference between APPS Schema and Product Specific Schema?
28. What are the different types of Executables?
29. What is Lexical Parameter?
30. What is Bind Parameter?
31. What is Confine Mode?
32. What is Flex Mode?
33. What is token?
34. What is Value Set?
35. What are different types of Value Sets?
36. What is SQL * Loader?
35. What are different types of files in SQL * Loader?
36. What discard file contains in SQL * Loader?
37. How to submit a concurrent program from back-end?
38. What are AOL Features?
39. Difference between ORG_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID?
40. Can you explain about Flex Fields?
41. Difference between KFF and DFF?
42. How to register a custom table with AOL?
43. What are who columns?
44. Can you explain about TEMPLATE.fmb?
45. Difference between form Personalization and Custom.pll?
46. Statement Level trigger and Row Level triggers which will act first?
47. What is Code Combination ID DFF Name?
48. Which API is used to Submit Concurrent Program from backend?

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Query to get the Concurrent Program along with Value Set details

SELECT fcpl1.user_concurrent_program_name       ,fdfcuv.end_user_column_name       ,ffvs.flex_value_set_name value_set_name       ,ffvt.appl...