Sunday, October 22, 2017

Create Service Agreements (or Extended Warranties) when Services are sold from Sales Order?

There are two concurrent programs we need to be run to generate contracts from Sales Orders:

  1. Workflow Background Process 
  2. Service Contracts Order Processing Program
After booking Sales Order based on setups line level status will change to Fulfilled.  Run the
Workflow Background Process to ensure that the Order Management Order Line workflow has progressed the line to Closed/Interfaced.  The recommended parameters for running Workflow Background Process are:

Parameter              Value                   
Item Type OM Order Line
Process Deferred Yes
Process Timeout Yes
Process Stuck Yes

As a part of the ASO Queue Replacement, the concurrent program "Service Contracts Order Capture Integration" was obsoleted in R12.  As a result, the R12 process differs from the 11i process as follows:
The 11i Order Capture integration process required running two concurrent programs:
Concurrent program #1 "Service Contracts Order Capture Integration" did three jobs:
  1. Get the data from ASO queues.
  2. Insert the data into OKS_REPROCESSING.
  3. Launch the Reprocess order concurrent program
Concurrent program #2 "Service Contracts Order Reprocessing Program" was responsible for the creation of contracts by picking the data from the OKS_REPROCESSING table.
The R12 Order Capture integration has the following changes:
  • OM places the data directly into OKS_REPROCESSING table.
  • Users directly run "Service Contracts Order Processing Program" for the creation of contracts.
  • There is no Service Contracts Order Capture Integration concurrent program.
  • If upgrading to R12, you need to run the Service Contracts ASO Queue Migration to get the data from ASO to OKS after the upgrade.

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Query to get the Concurrent Program along with Value Set details

SELECT fcpl1.user_concurrent_program_name       ,fdfcuv.end_user_column_name       ,ffvs.flex_value_set_name value_set_name       ,ffvt.appl...