Saturday, March 4, 2023

What is the difference between PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M and PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F in Oracle Fusion

PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M is the core table for assignments.
PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F is a view which stores effective latest change only.

The definition of the PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F view:

  FROM per_all_assignments_m

If you want all the data then use the base table : PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M

If you want the effective latest change only, please use : PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F

Query to get the Concurrent Program along with Value Set details

SELECT fcpl1.user_concurrent_program_name       ,fdfcuv.end_user_column_name       ,ffvs.flex_value_set_name value_set_name       ,ffvt.appl...