>>> dir(__builtins__)
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
String Escaping in Python
String Escaping in Python:-
Escape Sequence
Single Quote
Double Quote
ASCII Backspace
Unicode 16 bit
Unicode 32 bit
Octal character
Hex character
Python Environment Variables
Below are the Python Environment Variables:-
- PYTHONPATH:- Has a role similar to PATH. This variable tells the Python interpreter where to locate the module files you import into a program. PYTHONPATH should include the Python source library directory and the directories containing your Python source code. PYTHONPATH is sometimes preset by the Python installer.
- PYTHONSTARTUP:- Contains the path of an initialization file containing Python source code that is executed every time you start the interpreter (similar to the Unix .profile or .login file). This file, often named .pythonrc.py in Unix, usually contains commands that load utilities or modify PYTHONPATH.
- PYTHONCASEOK:- Used in Windows to instruct Python to find the first case-insensitive match in an import statement. Set this variable to any value to activate it.
- PYTHONHOME:- An alternative module search path. It's usually embedded in the PYTHONSTARTUP or PYTHONPATH directories to make switching module libraries easy.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
API to Book the Sales Order in Oracle Apps
v_api_version_number NUMBER := 1;
v_return_status VARCHAR2 (2000);
v_msg_count NUMBER;
v_msg_data VARCHAR2 (2000);
-- IN Variables --
v_header_rec oe_order_pub.header_rec_type;
v_line_tbl oe_order_pub.line_tbl_type;
v_action_request_tbl oe_order_pub.request_tbl_type;
v_line_adj_tbl oe_order_pub.line_adj_tbl_type;
-- OUT Variables --
v_header_rec_out oe_order_pub.header_rec_type;
v_header_val_rec_out oe_order_pub.header_val_rec_type;
v_header_adj_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_adj_tbl_type;
v_header_adj_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_adj_val_tbl_type;
v_header_price_att_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_price_att_tbl_type;
v_header_adj_att_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_adj_att_tbl_type;
v_header_adj_assoc_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_adj_assoc_tbl_type;
v_header_scredit_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_scredit_tbl_type;
v_header_scredit_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_scredit_val_tbl_type;
v_line_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_tbl_type;
v_line_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_val_tbl_type;
v_line_adj_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_adj_tbl_type;
v_line_adj_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_adj_val_tbl_type;
v_line_price_att_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_price_att_tbl_type;
v_line_adj_att_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_adj_att_tbl_type;
v_line_adj_assoc_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_adj_assoc_tbl_type;
v_line_scredit_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_scredit_tbl_type;
v_line_scredit_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_scredit_val_tbl_type;
v_lot_serial_tbl_out oe_order_pub.lot_serial_tbl_type;
v_lot_serial_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.lot_serial_val_tbl_type;
v_action_request_tbl_out oe_order_pub.request_tbl_type;
l_user_id NUMBER;
l_resp_id NUMBER;
l_resp_appl_id NUMBER;
l_line_tbl_index NUMBER := 0;
CURSOR book_order
SELECT header_id, order_number
FROM oe_order_headers_all
WHERE order_number IN ('1001001','1001002');
SELECT user_id
INTO l_user_id
FROM fnd_user
WHERE user_name = 'XXUSER';
SELECT responsibility_id, application_id
INTO l_resp_id, l_resp_appl_id
FROM fnd_responsibility_tl
WHERE responsibility_name = 'Order Management Super User' ;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Starting of script');
-- Setting the Enviroment --
mo_global.init ('ONT');
fnd_global.apps_initialize (l_user_id
) ; -- pass in user_id, responsibility_id, and application_id
mo_global.set_policy_context ('S', 121);
FOR i IN book_order
l_line_tbl_index := l_line_tbl_index +1;
v_action_request_tbl(l_line_tbl_index) := oe_order_pub.g_miss_request_rec;
v_action_request_tbl(l_line_tbl_index).request_type := OE_GLOBALS.G_BOOK_ORDER;
v_action_request_tbl(l_line_tbl_index).entity_code := OE_GLOBALS.G_ENTITY_HEADER;
v_action_request_tbl(l_line_tbl_index).entity_id := i.header_id;
-- Calling the API to to Book an Existing Order --
p_api_version_number => v_api_version_number,
p_header_rec => v_header_rec,
p_line_tbl => v_line_tbl,
p_action_request_tbl => v_action_request_tbl,
p_line_adj_tbl => v_line_adj_tbl-- OUT variables
x_header_rec => v_header_rec_out,
x_header_val_rec => v_header_val_rec_out,
x_header_adj_tbl => v_header_adj_tbl_out,
x_header_adj_val_tbl => v_header_adj_val_tbl_out,
x_header_price_att_tbl => v_header_price_att_tbl_out,
x_header_adj_att_tbl => v_header_adj_att_tbl_out,
x_header_adj_assoc_tbl => v_header_adj_assoc_tbl_out,
x_header_scredit_tbl => v_header_scredit_tbl_out,
x_header_scredit_val_tbl => v_header_scredit_val_tbl_out,
x_line_tbl => v_line_tbl_out,
x_line_val_tbl => v_line_val_tbl_out,
x_line_adj_tbl => v_line_adj_tbl_out,
x_line_adj_val_tbl => v_line_adj_val_tbl_out,
x_line_price_att_tbl => v_line_price_att_tbl_out,
x_line_adj_att_tbl => v_line_adj_att_tbl_out,
x_line_adj_assoc_tbl => v_line_adj_assoc_tbl_out,
x_line_scredit_tbl => v_line_scredit_tbl_out,
x_line_scredit_val_tbl => v_line_scredit_val_tbl_out,
x_lot_serial_tbl => v_lot_serial_tbl_out,
x_lot_serial_val_tbl => v_lot_serial_val_tbl_out,
x_action_request_tbl => v_action_request_tbl_out,
x_return_status => v_return_status,
x_msg_count => v_msg_count,
x_msg_data => v_msg_data);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Completion of API');
IF v_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Order '||i.order_number||' is Success..');
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Order '||i.order_number||' is Failed..' || v_msg_data);
FOR i IN 1 .. v_msg_count
v_msg_data := oe_msg_pub.get (p_msg_index => i
,p_encoded => 'F'
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (i || ') ' || v_msg_data);
v_api_version_number NUMBER := 1;
v_return_status VARCHAR2 (2000);
v_msg_count NUMBER;
v_msg_data VARCHAR2 (2000);
-- IN Variables --
v_header_rec oe_order_pub.header_rec_type;
v_line_tbl oe_order_pub.line_tbl_type;
v_action_request_tbl oe_order_pub.request_tbl_type;
v_line_adj_tbl oe_order_pub.line_adj_tbl_type;
-- OUT Variables --
v_header_rec_out oe_order_pub.header_rec_type;
v_header_val_rec_out oe_order_pub.header_val_rec_type;
v_header_adj_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_adj_tbl_type;
v_header_adj_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_adj_val_tbl_type;
v_header_price_att_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_price_att_tbl_type;
v_header_adj_att_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_adj_att_tbl_type;
v_header_adj_assoc_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_adj_assoc_tbl_type;
v_header_scredit_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_scredit_tbl_type;
v_header_scredit_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_scredit_val_tbl_type;
v_line_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_tbl_type;
v_line_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_val_tbl_type;
v_line_adj_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_adj_tbl_type;
v_line_adj_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_adj_val_tbl_type;
v_line_price_att_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_price_att_tbl_type;
v_line_adj_att_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_adj_att_tbl_type;
v_line_adj_assoc_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_adj_assoc_tbl_type;
v_line_scredit_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_scredit_tbl_type;
v_line_scredit_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_scredit_val_tbl_type;
v_lot_serial_tbl_out oe_order_pub.lot_serial_tbl_type;
v_lot_serial_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.lot_serial_val_tbl_type;
v_action_request_tbl_out oe_order_pub.request_tbl_type;
l_user_id NUMBER;
l_resp_id NUMBER;
l_resp_appl_id NUMBER;
l_line_tbl_index NUMBER := 0;
CURSOR book_order
SELECT header_id, order_number
FROM oe_order_headers_all
WHERE order_number IN ('1001001','1001002');
SELECT user_id
INTO l_user_id
FROM fnd_user
WHERE user_name = 'XXUSER';
SELECT responsibility_id, application_id
INTO l_resp_id, l_resp_appl_id
FROM fnd_responsibility_tl
WHERE responsibility_name = 'Order Management Super User' ;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Starting of script');
-- Setting the Enviroment --
mo_global.init ('ONT');
fnd_global.apps_initialize (l_user_id
) ; -- pass in user_id, responsibility_id, and application_id
mo_global.set_policy_context ('S', 121);
FOR i IN book_order
l_line_tbl_index := l_line_tbl_index +1;
v_action_request_tbl(l_line_tbl_index) := oe_order_pub.g_miss_request_rec;
v_action_request_tbl(l_line_tbl_index).request_type := OE_GLOBALS.G_BOOK_ORDER;
v_action_request_tbl(l_line_tbl_index).entity_code := OE_GLOBALS.G_ENTITY_HEADER;
v_action_request_tbl(l_line_tbl_index).entity_id := i.header_id;
-- Calling the API to to Book an Existing Order --
p_api_version_number => v_api_version_number,
p_header_rec => v_header_rec,
p_line_tbl => v_line_tbl,
p_action_request_tbl => v_action_request_tbl,
p_line_adj_tbl => v_line_adj_tbl-- OUT variables
x_header_rec => v_header_rec_out,
x_header_val_rec => v_header_val_rec_out,
x_header_adj_tbl => v_header_adj_tbl_out,
x_header_adj_val_tbl => v_header_adj_val_tbl_out,
x_header_price_att_tbl => v_header_price_att_tbl_out,
x_header_adj_att_tbl => v_header_adj_att_tbl_out,
x_header_adj_assoc_tbl => v_header_adj_assoc_tbl_out,
x_header_scredit_tbl => v_header_scredit_tbl_out,
x_header_scredit_val_tbl => v_header_scredit_val_tbl_out,
x_line_tbl => v_line_tbl_out,
x_line_val_tbl => v_line_val_tbl_out,
x_line_adj_tbl => v_line_adj_tbl_out,
x_line_adj_val_tbl => v_line_adj_val_tbl_out,
x_line_price_att_tbl => v_line_price_att_tbl_out,
x_line_adj_att_tbl => v_line_adj_att_tbl_out,
x_line_adj_assoc_tbl => v_line_adj_assoc_tbl_out,
x_line_scredit_tbl => v_line_scredit_tbl_out,
x_line_scredit_val_tbl => v_line_scredit_val_tbl_out,
x_lot_serial_tbl => v_lot_serial_tbl_out,
x_lot_serial_val_tbl => v_lot_serial_val_tbl_out,
x_action_request_tbl => v_action_request_tbl_out,
x_return_status => v_return_status,
x_msg_count => v_msg_count,
x_msg_data => v_msg_data);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Completion of API');
IF v_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Order '||i.order_number||' is Success..');
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Order '||i.order_number||' is Failed..' || v_msg_data);
FOR i IN 1 .. v_msg_count
v_msg_data := oe_msg_pub.get (p_msg_index => i
,p_encoded => 'F'
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (i || ') ' || v_msg_data);
Query to get Value Set Values in Oracle Apps
SELECT ffvs.flex_value_set_id,
ffvs.description set_description,
ffvt.description value_description,
FROM fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs, fnd_flex_values ffv, fnd_flex_values_tl ffvt
WHERE ffvs.flex_value_set_id = ffv.flex_value_set_id
AND ffv.flex_value_id = ffvt.flex_value_id
AND ffvt.language = USERENV ('LANG')
AND flex_value_set_name = 'XX_VALUE_SET_NAME'
ORDER BY flex_value ASC
ffvs.description set_description,
ffvt.description value_description,
FROM fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs, fnd_flex_values ffv, fnd_flex_values_tl ffvt
WHERE ffvs.flex_value_set_id = ffv.flex_value_set_id
AND ffv.flex_value_id = ffvt.flex_value_id
AND ffvt.language = USERENV ('LANG')
AND flex_value_set_name = 'XX_VALUE_SET_NAME'
ORDER BY flex_value ASC
Monday, November 20, 2017
MDS(Meta Data Service) in Oracle OAF
In technical world, Meta word symbolizes dictionary. Think of a web page broken into small units which are fields, buttons, and list boxes. These small individual units [fields, buttons etc] are stored in a dictionary, in the database. These units when combined together, they become a web page that gets rendered on the browser.
Those Meta pieces are not stored as binary files, but as data in tables. Those tables begin with 'JDR', for example JDR_ATTRIBUTES, JDR_ATTRIBUTES_TRANS, JDR_COMPONENTS and JDR_PATHS. The definition and relationship of each field/region/component is stored in these JDR tables. Oracle Application Framework reads that data when you request a page. The page structure is then built based on Meta-Data.
Meta Data is available as a service(plain service not web-service). The data is there in JDR tables, but all such data has to be co-related, all fields, regions, buttons etc have to be clubbed into a meaningful manner to make a web page. You can say that MDS provides service to store & return page definitions. MDS collects those definitions in components/fields in a meaningful manner to build a page. The storage page definition happens in JDR tables, where page components are not stored as XML. But MDS provides API's to build XML definition from the data in JDR tables. Hence there are two provisions:
Field - Field1
Field - Field2
Region -Child
Field - Button

Important points on MDS:-
In technical world, Meta word symbolizes dictionary. Think of a web page broken into small units which are fields, buttons, and list boxes. These small individual units [fields, buttons etc] are stored in a dictionary, in the database. These units when combined together, they become a web page that gets rendered on the browser.
Those Meta pieces are not stored as binary files, but as data in tables. Those tables begin with 'JDR', for example JDR_ATTRIBUTES, JDR_ATTRIBUTES_TRANS, JDR_COMPONENTS and JDR_PATHS. The definition and relationship of each field/region/component is stored in these JDR tables. Oracle Application Framework reads that data when you request a page. The page structure is then built based on Meta-Data.
Meta Data is available as a service(plain service not web-service). The data is there in JDR tables, but all such data has to be co-related, all fields, regions, buttons etc have to be clubbed into a meaningful manner to make a web page. You can say that MDS provides service to store & return page definitions. MDS collects those definitions in components/fields in a meaningful manner to build a page. The storage page definition happens in JDR tables, where page components are not stored as XML. But MDS provides API's to build XML definition from the data in JDR tables. Hence there are two provisions:
- When you design a page, you store "page definition" in XML format on your PC. When deploying to your system/server, you load this XML file into JDR tables by using command xmlimporter.
- When a user runs the page, Oracle Application Framework does the following steps:-
- Oracle Application Framework Requests page definition/structure from (MDS)
- MDS engine returns a xml file to Oracle Application Framework.
- Each node/component in XML(of Step b) is translated into a web bean object.
Field - Field1
Field - Field2
Region -Child
Field - Button
- In this case, five web beans objects will be instantiated by Oracle Application Framework. A bean object is nothing but an object representation components like fields, buttons, regions etc. A bean object also has methods like setRendered, setRequired, getRequired etc.
- Not only we have beans created for that page, those beans are nested as well, in exactly the same sequence of components within Region-Main. Hence parent child relationship is retained.
- After rendering the page, Oracle Application Framework then calls the controller class for that MDS page. The page is displayed to user after processRequest in Controller is completed.
Important points on MDS:-
- MDS page definition Cached: Hence any changes that you make to MDS in database, you then need to bounce the mid-tier.This is not applicable if you are testing the pages from jDev itself. jDev will first look at local XML files[local MDS]. If the page file is not found on your local PC, then OAF gets the page definition from MDS in database.
- Personalization too is stored in the database in MDS, but the path of that document is prefixed by customizations.For example if we personalize a page say:
- oracle/apps/per/irc/candidateSearch/webui/deptSearchPG at site level, then its corresponding customized document will be in oracle/apps/per/irc/candidateSearch/webui/customizations/site/0/deptSearchPG.
- The MDS Personalization layer are applied at run time to the page, and hence mid-tier bounce is not required when you modify personalizations.
- Although MDS for runtime is loaded into the Database, but the MDS definitions can also be found by navigating to $MODULE_TOP/mds.
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